Tuesday, December 28, 2010

But What Will I Wear?

Those of you who know me well will automatically hear that post title in the voice of one of my favorite comedians, but this question, as I am asking it today, couldn't be more serious.

"What is his problem?" I wondered aloud.  But that fleeting remark wasn't enough.  Nope.  Not for me, the All-Wise-One.  I couldn't let it go and had to carry it over into car conversation.  I asked my  youngest son, "What is So-and-So's deal??  Every time he loses a match he gets ridiculously angry and cries!!  I mean, c'mon!  If you're gonna be a high school wrestler, it's time to cowboy up already!!"  I kept some of my ugliest thoughts to myself.  What kind of parents and coaches allow that to continue?  Sheesh...glad MY kid doesn't do that...how embarassing!! Ya-da, Ya-da, Ya-da...

At the next meet, it's So-and-So's turn again.  I wince, roll my eyes, then lean over and whisper to my dad about what a big baby this kid is..."cries when he loses," I say, my voice thick with condescension.  Suddenly, I realize that I don't know all the moms sitting around me and hope I was quiet enough not to have been heard by anyone, especially this kid's mother.  I was worried enough to ask my older son, "Do you know what So-and-So's mom looks like?  Are any of these her?"  His answer: "No...he doesn't have a mom...his mom died about a year ago."

And there I sat.  Exposed.  Naked.  Clothed in nothing but a finely-crafted, lavishly-adorned Robe of Foolish Arrogance which I have spent years creating...and which everyone else can see right through. 

Immediately I confess.  I repent.  And...I cry like a baby.  Will I never learn?  Will I never stop playing The Fool?  Will I never stop passing harsh judgement on people and circumstances about which I have no knowledge or understanding?

As my emotions and sense of shame settle, I thank God for the mirror that has just been set in front of me and I plead with Him, no matter how painful it is, to keep putting that mirror in my face...until I no longer walk away and forget what I've seen...until I loathe my pride enough to throw that Robe of Arrogance in the fire...until I have adorned and clothed myself instead in a robe of Humility, Grace and Compassion.


Randy S. said...

Oh my! How many times have our mouths run with our brains being knowledge and wisdom deficient! Lori, I love the way you can express emotion and truth in prose.

Jennifer S. said...

I need to read more of your post's. You always find ways of making me stop & think. It's nice to know, though, that we are all human. Sometimes I feel like I live 2 lifes. My church life that I strive to be in everyday, then my out of church life, that, more times than not, I'm in.

Chris said...

Thanks Lori! I recognize the same condescension and arrogant dismissal in myself.

april said...

Lori, thank you for exposing yourself and all of us. Such truth in such failure and the humility always comes after we've created a mountain of clutter from our mouths.