Monday, March 29, 2010

Leisurely Woman's Daybook

Outside my window...a large yellow imposter has invaded our sky.  It vaguely reminds me of that star we used to call the Sun which abandoned us months ago...

From the kitchen...rare filet mignon for breakfast.  Thank you, Dr. Atkins!

Around the house...why do the kitchen ceiling fans get SO dirty SO quickly?!  Ugh.  Time to overhaul the a cleaning sense, not a remodeling sense.

A favorite thing...Cardinal baseball...only 7 days away. 

I am thinking...that listening to Elder A and Elder B debate the virtues of capitalism vs. distributism (Reagan vs. Chesterton/Belloc) until 1AM, though entertaining and provocative, is also anti-soporific.  But big deal...sleep is highly overrated anyway.

I am wearing...a favorite pair of danglers with black Swarovski crystals.

I am hearing...Alan Jackson.  I know!  I know!  I can't help it.

I am reading...The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a' Kempis. 

I am creating...a playlist for a first time "father-to-be."

I am thankful for...Sundays.  Worship, fellowship, food, wine, laughter, rest, more food, more wine, more laughter.

Plans for my week...lunch at Laumeier with my "young" friends...swap out seasonal clothes for Riesa Kay and about something serious for a change...answer half a dozen previously-ignored with my CIB friend...lunch with Paul...waste a perfectly good Saturday night hanging out in DeSoto MO.

A photo/video I am sharing:  none...because my system won't let me upload photos to the blog today.  Whatever.

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