Friday, May 14, 2010

Missouri Chipmunk Revival?

I was at the church building alone last night.  I am always slightly nervous about being alone in a large, multi-entrance building near or after dark.  As I walked from the sanctuary into the narthex to turn on a light, I spied a rodent hanging out near the stairwell.  I was more than a little surprised. 

How in the world did a chipmunk end up inside the building?

Was it alive?

Should I get rid of it? 

I'm fairly brave, and critters don't generally scare me, but there is something disconcerting about being in an enclosed space with a small, furry, fast-moving creature.   The idea of going over to pick the thing up and carry it outside led to visions of it panicking and crawling up my leg or arms or neck...all of which would have royally freaked me out!

The little guy wasn't moving, so I needed to determine if he was even alive.  I stomped on the floor, fully prepared for him to go crazy.  Nothing.  Then I saw an inkpen nearby.  I know...I'll throw it at him and see what happens.  The pen landed right in front of his nose.  He didn't budge.  Hmm.  But I hadn't actually HIT him.  Perhaps chipmunks are intelligent and know how to play dead when they feel endangered.  So...I grabbed a large coat hanger and slung it across the floor...right into the little guy's side.  Still nothing.  Suddenly I felt brave.  Afterall, he's gotta be dead or nearly dead, right?

I walked within 2 feet of him and THEN he moved...but barely.  He sucked in his sides as though he were holding his breath.  Is this his pre-attack mode, I wondered?  He moved again, and his movements seemed labored.  I almost felt sorry for him.  But not enough to rescue him.  I decided that my unfamiliarity with chipmunk behavior made it too risky to attempt any removal.  

So, I left him there for the next guy...or gal.  When I returned the following day to take a picture, he was GONE!  I don't know if someone else removed him or if he is lurking somewhere in the church, waiting to cause a ruckus...or a revival...on Sunday morning.

1 comment:

livinginthemidwest said...

Wise move! I was bit by a chipmunk while trying to rescue it from my cats mouth. Unpredictable little boogers.