Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Talking Politics With Chesterton

There are only two kinds of social structure conceivable - personal government and impersonal government.  If my anarchic friends will not have rules - they will have rulers.  Preferring personal government, with its tact and flexibility is called Royalism.  Preferring impersonal government, with its dogmas and definitions, is called Republicanism.  Objecting broadmindedly both to kings and creeds is called Bosh; at least, I know no more philosophic word for it.  You can be guided by the shrewdness or presence of mind of one ruler, or by the equality and ascertained justice of one rule; but you must have one or the other, or you are not a nation, but a nasty mess.

From G.K. Chesterton's delightful work (and his BEST, in my opinion!):  What's Wrong With the World

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