Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wordsmith Wednesday

Homophones: one of two or more words pronounced alike but different in meaning or derivation or spelling.

palate (n) - the roof of the mouth; sense of taste
palette (n) -  a thin board for mixing paints; the range of color used by an artist

feign (v) - to pretend
fain (adj) - eagerly

complement (v) - that which completes or fills
compliment (v) - formal act or expression of admiration or respect

retch (v) -  to undergo the straining action of vomiting
wretch (n) - a miserable or unhappy person

council (n) - a group of people called together for consultation, discussion or advice
counsel (v/n) -  discussion and deliberation

desert (v) - to abandon
desert (n) - a dry, barren, sandy region
desert (n) - deserved reward or punishment

medal (n) - an award to commemorate some event or act
meddle (v) - to involve oneself in another's affairs

birth (n) - the act of bringing forth offspring
berth (n) - space for anchoring or tying up; a built-in bed or bunk 

altar (n) - a table or stand used for sacred purposes
alter (v) - to change or modify

discreet (adj) - careful; prudent 
discrete (adj) - made up of distinct parts

elude (v) - to avoid 
allude (v) - to make reference to

assent (v) - to agree
ascent (v/n) - to go up; a sloped piece of ground

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