Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wordsmith Wednesday

Repugnant - fr. Latin repugnare: re = back + pugnare = to fight

Synonyms & their Synonyms:  I began an experiment.  Choose a word, record all of its synonyms, then record each of those words synonyms, then each of those words synonyms, etc. until I found no new words.  It didn't take me long to realize that this was a nearly endless process!  SO...I gave it up after the 4th "degree" and decided to only record for you the first 2 levels. 

Offensive - insulting, rude, hateful, objectionable, outrageous, discourteous, affronting, abominable

Distasteful - unsavory, unpalatable

Obnoxious - odious, deplorable

Repulsive - gross

Repellant - appalling

Revolting - abhorrent

Disgusting - noisome, nasty, vulgar

Nauseating - unsettling, loathsome

Foul - rank, filthy, putrid, heinous, villainous, atrocious

Sickening - vile

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