Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Do Not Panic! Do Not Panic!

Just a little disclaimer here on Saturday's poem post.  I received a number of encouraging emails from folks worried about me, so I figured there could be more of you who opted not to say anything, but might have been concerned as well.  I think I now understand why many poets were published posthumously!

First of all, remember that poetry is one person's interpretation and expression of internal or external realities that is intended to capture the imagination. The picturesque language is heightened so as to pierce the soul.  Also keep in mind that it is intentionally obscure, not to be analyzed too literally! 

I appreciate the love and concern (and it is always welcome), but let me put to rest any speculation:  I am OK.  Really.  In a tough season of life?  Yeah...but I'm OK!  And never, ever, would I use a forum like this to expose or demean particular people in my life!  The only "person" referenced here is ME...because I AM The Queen...of...Everything!  But you already knew that.   So...feel free not to overanalyze, overinterpret or overspeculate!

Just enjoy...or not. 

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