Monday, January 11, 2010

Leisurely Woman's Daybook

Outside my window...From inside the house, the footprints in the backyard snow posed a great mystery.  Eric and I determined to solve it.  The prints followed a straight line, with no offset like you would normally find.  They were fairly far apart and traveled in a single direction, stopping at the fence.  From the window, they appeared to be rather large with claw-like portrusions.  Ooooohhh....

Turns out, upon closer examination, it was a rabbit trail.  Of course!  They can run in a straight line...their feet stay close together making a "single" print from all 4 paws...thus creating the claw-like effect...and they can sneak through the fence posts, making their trail mysteriously "disappear."    Simple solution.  But we sure had fun speculating before we went out and investigated (bear? dog with snowshoes? a human who could leap the fence in a single bound?)!

From the kitchen...homemade chicken soup...for my husband who is throwing up...that's why I'm not asleep right now!  :-(

Around the house...I need to paint the stair risers. 

A favorite thing...the waffle iron my mother gave me for Christmas 15 years ago.

I am thinking...that I need to go to bed now. 

I am wearing...a white robe.  Very liturgical.

I am hearing...the dryer.  Another late night "I have to have this clean for tomorrow!" request.  They are becoming more frequent.

I am reading...Promise and Deliverance.

I am creating...uh...I wrote a "poem" in the last 48 hours...does that count for creating?  I's not REAL fact, it's the kind of stuff that I usually scoff at! 

I am thankful for...St. Christopher of Carondolet.

Plans for my week...walk, walk, matter HOW cold it is!  I am about to go out of my head from NOT walking for 2 weeks now. with Alicia...dinner with Cindy and Laura.   Get back on my high fat/low carb eating routine!! 

I imagine Riesa will require a little extra energy this week as well.  She watched this AM as her mother was taken away in an ambulance (TIA, they think...).  She happened to be at "home" this weekend and when I went to pick her up, she was very emotional.  I expect she'll stay that way until she sees Mother again and knows she's OK.  Poor thing...she doesn't understand.

A photo/video I am sharing...I love this photo...the colors, the composition, the way of life it portrays.  Simply beautiful.


jennifer h said...

Sorry Steve's sick. Hope he gets over it soon. It was probably all that "good eatin'" in NOLA that did him in! Will pray for Reisa and your grandma.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Is Great Grandma okay? I hadn't heard anything about that till this...


Lori Waggoner said...

Thanks, Jennifer. Steve's illness was short-lived.

Janell, Great Grandma is mostly OK. She went home yesterday and they THINK she has a pinched nerve which is causing the pain, numbness, dragging leg, etc. She's very very tired and doesn't know yet what course of treatment will be followed. Love you.