Thursday, July 22, 2010

Primeval Saints

In this book on the patriarchs of Genesis, Mr. Jim Jordan, undertakes to highlight the faith of the heroes of the city of God, and to help us glean insight from their experiences.  Here's a sample from his chapter on Joseph, Faith and Service:

Though Joseph had the name of slave, he was actually exercising considerable dominion [in Pharoah's household].  Though he had the name of prisoner, he was exercising dominion...acquiring mastery over the house.  The road to victory, dominion, and mastery is through service, the humble service of a slave. 

Though He sometimes takes them through "the valley of the shadow of death," God will in time revive the hearts of those who cling to Him.  God never lets His people go.  Whatever we as individuals or communities pass through, it is only part of God's good plan for us.

The road to dominion through service is not always a straight one.  Joseph was faithful to his father and it landed him in slavery.  He was faithful to Potiphar and it landed him in prison.  Yet in the end, he was placed over the entire world of that day.  The story of Joseph tells us to pick up and move on in faithful service to whatever vineyard we have been given, even if the new one is smaller than the old.

As is to be expected from Mr. Jordan, this book is enlightening.  You will read the book of Genesis Through New Eyes.

1 comment:

Susan McCurdy said...

Great post Lori. I love the story of Joseph ...the Bible and the Disney version. "You Know Better Than I" is one of my favorite songs! Thanks for the reminder.