Friday, July 23, 2010

A Woman Your Age

Are you aware that:

Interjecting any phrase which contains the words "your age" into a compliment tends to drastically reduce its positive impact.  No, seriously.  Is it entirely necessary to qualify your statement in that way?  Unless, of course, you intend to couch an insult in subtle language and leave the recipient wondering if she's supposed to feel better or worse.  If that is your intent, then I must say, "As you were."

So it's like this.  The statement, "It's nice to see a woman your age staying in shape,"   can only make me question, "So, which part is it that belies MY AGE?  If it wasn't my 'shape' (whatever that means!) was it the dark circles and bags underneath my eyes, or was it my erratic speech patterns that revealed my rapid descent toward dementia?  Or perhaps it was those wrinkles just above my knees?  And, by the way, exactly how old do you think I am?"

Or..."You dress so hip for your age."  May I suggest that you stop after the word "hip" and then maybe...just maybe...I might feel complimented?  As it is, I'm inclined to wonder, "Are they really trying to tell me that I'm too old to pull this outfit off and I should stop trying so hard?  Maybe they mean that at my age I could be stuck in 80's fashion, but have progressed all the way to the 90's...and that's something, right?"

Shall I offer more examples, or are ya'll quick-studies?  I'm thinkin' you probably get the general idea. 

Yes, perhaps I'm a tad sensitive...or then again, maybe I'm just right.  Can I get a witness?


Les said...

I'm ummm, er...going to stay out of this and watch.

Lori Waggoner said...

You're smarter than you look, Mr. Prouty...Sir.

JWC said...

This is a pretty cogent post for a woman your age.

Lori Waggoner said...

Legitimate response, Mr. C., though clearly not as diplomatic and wise as Mr. Prouty.

MeeMaw YaYa said...

It would be foolhardy for a woman my age to make a comment about a woman your age.

marnie said...


You are in the prime of your life. Trust me on that. Do not let anyone tell you anything other than that.

Love you,

A "Much" older woman.:)

JWC said...

Hopefully wisdom and diplomacy come to me with age... ;-)

Lori Waggoner said...


Marilyn...thank you, dear. THAT'S what I was looking for! ;-)

JW...there's always hope.