Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I KNOW Who THIS Child Is!

So...remember that sweet little note I found on my desk the other day?  If not, see it here.

Well, today I asked the other son what he wanted for Christmas, to which he replied (once again), "I don't know."  I reminded him that Christmas is NEXT WEEK, which seemed to come as a surprise to him.  You know, what with the date of Christmas fluctuating every year and all, it can be a little confusing.  Oi-vay.
Since he couldn't come up with anything, I suggested that maybe he follow in his little brother's footsteps and told him what he asked for.  His first response was the same as yours and mine:  "Oh, way to make me feel guilty, Bro."  He paused...

"I can see it now - Christmas morning - 'Oh, here, Grant, here's your present...and another one...and another...oh and here's one more!  No, Eric doesn't have any...he donated all his money to the poor.'"  

"Hey, wait!  I know what I want!  I want you to take the money you would have spent on Eric and spend it on ME!"  

Now THAT'S a sentiment I can relate to.


Trina Waggoner said...

LOL...He came up with "something" tho?...ya! This: made me LOL!! Good answer!!

Jessie said...


Lori Waggoner said...

Trina, yes he did!

Jessie...after your sweet remark about Eric, I was hoping you'd read this too. Wouldn't want you putting us on a parenting pedastal or anything like that!! :-)