Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Woman in White

In the mystery novel, Woman in White, Wilkie Collins employs a unique approach.  His story is narrated by mulitple characters (6+), so that whomever happens to be closest to the events taking place at a given moment, presents his/her perspective.  Collins does an excellent job of bringing forward a distinct and fitting voice for each of these narrators and it's rather a fun way for the plot to unfold.

The story does present a couple of flaws, though.  First, it could be told effectively in about 1/3 fewer pages, by eliminating some repetitive or irrelevant aspects.  Second, the primary mystery is solved too early, making the final pages with their minor resolutions a tad laborious to wade through. 

Though I can't place this book in my top 25 (or maybe even my top 50!), it was intriguing enough that I'd willingly give Collins another try. 

Any recommendations for his other novels?

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